Monday, November 3, 2008

Little Miss Piggy

My parents came up to visit from Abilene on Friday, Halloween.  By the time they arrived, I had cleaned the house, done like 5 loads of laundry, got Adi and myself dressed, and took her outside to play and take pictures.  She is at the age where everything we do is so enjoyable.  I had her costume laid out all day waiting for the time to put it on.  I couldn't wait.  I was so excited.  Why?  Not real sure.  Later on in the evening, we went to St. Stephen's Fall Festival and ate some Frito pie and Adi walked around to the different rooms trick-or-treating.  The look on her face never changed the entire time.  She had no idea what was going on.  I'm sure she was thinking, "You dressed me in this silly costume and now I'm getting all kinds of candy from strangers!?"  But she looked adorable!  Although, apparently some folks don't know their animals because she was called a poodle and lamb all night.  Hello people!  Do you see the squiggly tail and pig nose? 

 So, then we went from there to our church, Hillside's Trunk or Treat!  There were so many people that the line to get in was ridiculously long!  Church members took their cars and put candy in the trunks, there was a hay maze, hot chocolate, music which Adi loved, and of course Elmo was even there.  I didn't think we would ever get to leave after she spotted Elmo.  If you don't know my daughter, then you don't know her obcession with this furry creature from Sesame Street!  She was terrified of him at first, but then she eventually was brave enough to sit in his lap for a picture. 

We had to tell her that Elmo had to go "night night" so she would let us make our way to the car.  We were all exhausted by the time we left and got home.  We had a big day ahead of us because we had tickets to the Tech game in Lubbock.  More on that adventure to come!

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