Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A New Blogger Name?

I haven't blogged in a while.  Funny, because I actually have a lot to blog about.  Sometimes when I have so much to say, I just don't say anything because I can't put it together and make it come out making any sense.  First of all, I need some input.  Our current blogger name is "The Murphree Three."  But that will not be accurate come July because we are expecting our second child.  YEA!!!! ( Four marks for Magen :) ) 

So, if you have any wonderful, catchy, clever, funny, etc. names in mind for us, please send them our way.  We are very excited about Adi being a big sister.  When I was pregnant with Adi, I really wanted a boy first.  But God blessed us with such an amazing healthy daughter and I wouldn't change that for anything in this world.  This pregnancy, I thought I would want a boy since I did so badly last time.  I actually would love to have another little girl.  Something about Adi having a sister to play with, share a room with one day, maybe even share clothes one day just really sounds like a lot of fun.  

However, I just pray daily for a healthy little child, boy or girl.  The Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to be parents of two and I absolutely can't wait to meet this amazing creation inside of me.

Bring on some "Blogger Name" ideas for the Murphree's!!!!


  1. Murph's Turph
    But if you liked that one, you would have chose it the first time. I think on it...
    And Congratulations...again!
