Thursday, January 22, 2009

Toddler Bed Troubles

Some of you already know that we have recently transformed Adi's crib into a toddler bed.  She is 21 months old and I thought it was time to give it a try.  WRONG!  Way to go Mom.  It all started when we went on vacation over Christmas.  We went to Disney World for a week.  Adi slept in a pack'n'play all week, however we were in the same room.  Of course her routine was hard to stick to while we were having so much fun in the parks.  She would nap in the stroller or on someone's shoulder and sometimes didn't get in bed until after midnight. Basically any routine we did have was no longer in place.  After we returned home, she went back to her crib for three nights.  I believe all three nights she ended up in bed with us.  Bad mistake but we were so tired from a week long vacation and just wanted to sleep.  Then, I decided to try taking the front of the crib off making it a toddler bed.  I didn't even think about getting her back in her nightly routine before changing her world.  I didn't realize how big this transition is for a child.  Now I understand after battling bedtime now for weeks.  

Along with this transition, we found out that I had a miscarriage.  I had to have a D&C and Adi could just sense that things weren't right around our house.  She clung to me and I definitely clung to her while grieving.  Now here we are having trouble deciding the right thing to do.  I know every child is different and there are so many different theories out there.  I bought a couple of books and have been praying daily for clarity and guidance.  

Our nightly routine goes something like this:
  • eat dinner together around 6:30 
  • take a bath
  • put on pj's
  • have some down time
  • brush teeth
  • get a sassy and read books in bed
  • lights out (closet light on with door cracked)
Bradey or I have to sit next to her bed until she falls asleep.  If we leave the room before she is asleep she cries and frantically gets out of her bed.  She will say, "I don't want my bed."  She has even fallen asleep in her little chair in her room because she doesn't seem to like her new bed.  

Once she is asleep, we leave the room, and she will have many night-wakings.  She needs us again to fall asleep.  So, I'm sure you know the ending to most of our nights, we are all in the same bed.  I know a lot of people are fine with their kids sleeping with them and they move on but we just really would like her to sleep in her own bed and learn to fall asleep on her own.  She used to love going to bed in her crib, slept all night, and so did we.  We just want that for our family once again for everyone's sanity.  

So, here is where you come in.  I need some input.  Here are a few questions that are floating around in my mind waiting for answers.

1.  Do we skip the toddler bed and move her to a twin?
2. Do we continue to stay in her room so she can fall asleep?
3.  Do we attempt the cry-it-out method.?
4. How do we keep her in her bed?
5.  Is there a fear that has developed?
6.  One of our friends loaned us their little toddler bed that you use the crib mattress.  Do we use this instead?

If you have gone through this, please feel free to share your experience.  I would love to hear your thoughts even if you haven't gone through this yet.  


  1. I saw your blog on Ashley's blog & read it because we have had many sleep issues with my kids!!Ashley & I are friends from church:) I put my son in a "big boy" bed when he was 21 months old-I put a railing on the sides so he felt more like he was still in a crib & he couldn't get out with out me! I have to say that he is 4 & somethimes after we read he still wants me to lay with him but it seemed like a toddler bed just didn't work for us! I hae been told to start with sitting by there bed until they are asleep for 3 nights then sit by the door for 3 nights & then out the door after kisses-this might help!! I will be praying for you during this time-it is so hard to be a mom & even harder when you are so tired!!! Also my 2 year old daughter went straight to a big bed too & it was much better!
    if you would like to e-mail me it is

  2. I found your blog through another one. Hope you don't mind if I comment! We waited to try our little girl in a toddler bed until she was almost 2 1/2. I just think they can communicate better. It seems like your little girl isn't ready... she needs to master just sleeping on her own without transitioning into a big bed. It sounds like you have a great routine going. I would just make yourself less available... not in a bad way though! Try not to pick her up if she wakes up. Try to just comfort her and leave the room, to let her know you are there, but she can't cry herself out of bed. Then, when she gets used to that, I would let her go for longer periods of time until she can soothe herself back to sleep. Also, a loud humidifier or noise machine helps filter the noise out.

  3. We would love to be able to keep her in a crib bc she probably isn't ready except that she can crawl out. I don't want her to hurt herself. The mattress is as low as it will go. I'm not sure how she does it. Mary Katherine, I think I have met you before. You go to Hillside right? That is where we go. I was in a small group with Ashley this past year. Anyway, thank you both for commenting and please keep us in your prayers as we get through this phase.

  4. i do go to hillside!! i am in the monday mom bible study group which is where i met ashley-she is now doing the tuesday group-which on did you go to?

    you are in my prayers!!!

  5. Hey Tiff, we transitioned Kennedy to a twin bed when she was around 22 months. We decided to skip the toddler bed. She did really good for a long time, until I started letting her fall asleep with me (it was right before Kylie was born and I guess I wanted some one on one time with her). Anyways we ended up trying everything we could and eventually had to let her cry it out. The first night she cried for 45 minutes, it was horrible and really hard. The next night she cried for maybe two minutes! Hope that helps some.
    I'm praying for you guys and if you ever need anyone to talk to, please feel free to reach out.

  6. Hey Tiff! I know for Ella she would not cry it out at that age. She was just too old and would cry for hours if we let her. Ella transitioned really well because we made it an exciting event for her. Ask Adi what SHE wants to do. Make it a fun "we're gonna find you a new bed!" thing...make it an all day adventure if you need to. Let her know a day or two before that you guys are going to have a special day of getting Adi's room "big girl ready". Let her pick between her crib, the toddler bed, or a big girl bed (twin). And then maybe make a special trip to pick out a fun new blanket and/or pillow. Explain to her beforehand though that whatever she picks is going to be the final choice and she will have to sleep in her room from here on out. Mary Katherine's advice as far as sitting by her bed then moving to the door is great advice too! Praying for you guys!

  7. Oh, and wait to put her down until she is REALLY sleepy (maybe move her bedtime out a half hour or so). That way if you need to let her cry it's not for long or if you have to sit by her bed it's not for an hour. :)
