Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dieting is NO FUN!

Along with trying to save money by doing E-mealz, we've also been trying to eat better.  I'm still trying to lose my pregnancy weight.  As one of my friends would call it, "Operation Skinny," is in progress.  So, let me define progress in my terms...eating raw cookie dough, sitting by the fire instead of working out while girls sleep, fried chicken from Chicken Express, Taco Bueno, and so on.  Maybe this operation should be called, "Operation lazy with no motivation and no determination."

I will get in the swing of saying no to all of those temptations at some point. I will! I WILL!!  I keep telling myself that and I will start believing and expecting that of myself!  Each day is a new start and one day will be the new start to a SERIOUS "Operation Skinny."

I've never been a liker of a lot a sweets.  However, while pregnant with Chloe I adopted an enormous sweet tooth that has yet to leave me since pregnancy is over.  I'm not a fan of this new friend of mine.  My sweet tooth has my permission to move along it's merry little way whenever possible.  Until then, this sweet tooth will probably defeat me a few more times.

Besides my weakness in dieting, I've also slacked on the workout goals I had set for myself. 6 weeks after my
c-section, I said I was going to start the "Couch Potato to 5K plan" and workout with the famous "Bob" from The Biggest Loser (we bought the Wii game).  So far I have ran twice in 3 weeks and worked out with Bob 2 or 3 times.  Hmmmm.  I'm not doing very good.  "Operation Skinny" has come to a halt.

If I don't have someone pushing me and expecting certain goals to be met within a certain time period, results are basically non-existent.  I've never been one who has much will power to make myself do something such as dieting or working out regularly.  But, this is all going to change.  I'm telling you and you have to hold me accountable.  I am going to join the gym again, start going back to the classes that I was taking before I got pregnant, begin my training for a 5K, and start over on The Biggest Loser program.  I'm also going to cut out the amount of sugar that I eat and cut down to smaller portions.  No more cookie dough for me! :(

Here's to a new weight loss journey with will power, determination, and motivation to lose this baby weight!  It's in writing now.  I guess that makes it official, right?!?!


  1. Hi! I agree that dieting is no fun! What classes are you planning on taking once you join a gym? I love yoga and when we move back to Amarillo am going to find a place I can take classes.

  2. Inches upon inches of snow on the ground and temperatures in the 30's can be blamed. Don't be too hard on yourself, you already skinny thing, you. You look fabulous! I recommend having your next two babies in the spring. ;)

  3. Don't beat yourself up. Every day is a new day! Just like God gives us a fresh start, you might mess up on today's diet, but tomorrow you might do great! Besides, you're already one hot mama. :)
