Monday, February 8, 2010

Looking forward to UNINTERRUPTED...

SLEEP!  That is what I need!  I can't wait for the night that I get to sleep ALL NIGHT without any interruptions.  But for now, I will soak in every minute of getting to hold, snuggle, and feed my precious Chloe.  I have to check my perspective very often because it is easy to get frustrated and become bitter when it comes to sleep, or lack of sleeping!  I have to remind myself that this is a season that I will never get back, so I need to embrace every moment with joy and a thankful heart.  I GET to wake up and change diapers and feed a baby!  There will come a day that I will be wishing she was still a little baby.

Besides all of that, Bradey is wonderful to help me in the middle of the night!  Sometimes he has no clue what he is doing because he is asleep, but at least he is helping!


  1. You have a great attitude. Every stage of life is short lived and you will get through each one. Certain things just come with children, but the alternative is not having them. So continue to soak up every moment along with the clutter, noise, lack of sleep, lack of privacy, etc. And continue to lean on the Lord for strength, patience, wisdom, and perseverence. You are doing great!

  2. I still think this about wanting a full night sleep, but secretly find myself wishing I would need to feed one on the rare nights they do sleep through the night!
